ASM Vercelli
In 2024, in collaboration with PwC Italia and CodeLand, we oversaw the restyling of the ASM Vercelli website, characterised by a modern and captivating look&feel. The goal was to present the company and tell the capillarity of the services offered to citizens in the Vercelli area and province. New sections were added, including Assistance and Communication on local services to provide essential information, making it easier for users to find useful information.
ASM Vercelli S.p.A., a multi-utility with over 200 employees and a network of services that include electricity and gas distribution, integrated water cycle management and urban and environmental hygiene, has decided to renew its website, updating its structure and content and remodelling its graphic layout and design. This is how the new portal arose, designed to better respond to citizens’ information needs, with useful tips for learning about and learning more about the services offered by the company. The new version makes navigation more pleasant and optimises the perception of the brand strategy but also makes navigation more pleasant, optimising the perception of the brand strategy and making it easier for the user to find information, improving the overall user experience.
- Brand Strategy
- Content Strategy
- SEO Content
An innovative portal at the service of citizens
Designed to be navigated from both desktop and mobile devices, the new website offers quality services, such as digitally sending self-readings of water consumption or requesting a reservation for the collection of bulky waste at home.
Through the rationalisation of information, the restyling of the information architecture and the optimisation of content from an SEO perspective, the new site helps to provide ASM Vercelli with an innovative image in terms of customer care and service to the territory.
Keeping the dialogue with citizens alive: the fundamental aspect to offer consistently high-quality services
The graphic lines and the organisation of the contents, attributable to the digital ecosystem of the Iren Group and – in particular – to IRETI, allow easy connections with the services and information resources of the Group, such as the educational contents of the Eduiren section.
The new site has been updated with the aim of getting closer to the served territory and its citizens, by providing increasingly efficient and timely tools to get in contact with the company. Hence, the choice to design an Assistance section, to indicate contact details and emergency numbers, and a Communication section for updates on services in the area.