Della Nesta
Since 2024, Cultur-e has been collaborating with Della Nesta to manage the social channels of the Mettiche project, an awareness-raising initiative dedicated to emergency contraception. The goal is to create the social voice of the project and enhance its digital presence by stimulating dialogue with the target audience through direct and inclusive communication on Instagram and TikTok.
Mettiche has arisen from the need to raise awareness about the use of emergency contraceptives and promote an open dialogue on issues related to sexual health. The project’s main target is Generation Z, focusing on females aged 13 to 25. The challenge is to involve this age group, breaking taboos and spreading reliable information through dynamic and accessible language.
- Social Media Strategy
- Social Media Management
- KPI Monitoring
- Content marketing
- Video making
Giving a social voice to the Mettiche project
We have designed a targeted editorial plan, structuring columns dedicated to debunking false myths or providing direct answers to users’ frequently asked questions. Through a simple and direct tone of voice, the contents stimulate community participation and strengthen Mettiche’s credibility as a reliable source of information. The engaging and direct approach is consolidated by the involvement of creators who, through social videos that speak the target audience’s language, disseminate timely information on topics of interest.
2024: definition of the communication strategy for Instagram and TikTok; development of editorial columns and production of informative content; publication, moderation and management of communities; performance analysis and continuous optimisation of the strategy.
An open dialogue with Generation Z
The use of creative content, such as carousels on Instagram and short videos on TikTok, made communication immediate and engaging, attracting the attention of a young and dynamic audience. Thanks to strategic management and continuous optimisation, Mettiche’s social channels recorded a significant increase in engagement and followers. The integration with the website strengthened the flow of traffic to the platform, promoting immediate access to useful information and positioning Mettiche as an authoritative voice on sexual health.