In July 2022 CNEL (National Council for Economics and Labor) entrusted us with the task of promoting an online public consultation dedicated to young people aged 14 to 35 on the future of Europe, pandemic and NRRP and youth representation. We have developed a multi-format and multi-channel ecosystem that aims to promote consultation through the synergistic and integrated use of all digital touch points.


Provided for by Article 99 of the Italian Constitution, CNEL has the task of involving civil society to provide advice to the government, parliament and regions on economic and social issues.

Public consultations are a new tool of democracy that CNEL has adopted to encourage this activity of listening to citizens on the main issues of interest in the public debate and to bring their requests directly to Parliament. In this case, the voices that we intend to collect and listen to are those of the new generations, that play a key role in today’s and tomorrow’s Europe. For the first time, CNEL has decided to promote and disseminate the online questionnaire with a real digital communication campaign.


  • Communication Strategy
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Social Media Management
  • Social Advertising
  • Editorial Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • Digital PR

Digital communication strategy

The campaign’s promotion strategy aims to exploit cross-channel synergies and build a path that intercepts young people in the digital platforms they normally attend to bring them to the consultation website and entice them to answer questions.

WEBSITE – dedicated to the initiative with all the information on the consultation and the promoting body, a News area with articles related to the topics of the questionnaire and a key to actively participate in the campaign.

SOCIAL MEDIA – opening of social profiles dedicated to the initiative to reach the target audience in the digital places they normally frequent (Instagram) and amplify the messages thanks to the institutional networking activity with Ministries, Bodies or Associations that support public consultation (Facebook).

 DIGITAL ADVERTISING STRATEGY – to make the social channels of the newly opened initiative take off and gain visibility and to bring traffic to the dedicated landing page and encourage users to participate in the consultation.

 YOUTH DIGITAL PR – public relations aimed at a target of young people aged 14 to 35 to amplify the online visibility of the consultation through the dissemination of valuable content, functional to the positioning of CNEL brand and of potential interest for the target.

From social media to consultation: the strategy for involving young people

Does Europe think about young people? This is the clear and direct question that is the title of the Consultation and immediately focuses on its objective: to invite the new generations, present and future of Europe, to public participation. The social contents are designed to involve the younger generations, providing them with tools that can help form a personal opinion and develop awareness on various issues. The website points straight to the questionnaire and is enriched with sections that tell and explain the role and activity of CNEL and provide news on issues affecting young people and Europe. The goal is twofold: to bring target users to participate in the consultation and promote CNEL’s brand awareness by making them understand the role of this body within the institutions.