Data protection authority
In 2004, Cultur-e won the call for bids organised by the Italian Data Protection Authority for the development of a course (on CD-ROM) for companies, public administrations and citizens. The collaboration continued until 2007 with the development of 3 updated editions, integrated with new content and functions.
Explaining Privacy on a CD-ROM
In January 2004, the new Regulation on Data Protection and Security were published. The Data Protection Authority needed to publicize the new regulations and allow enterprises, administrations and citizens to understand the new system. The decision was made to publish a CD-ROM that would be distributed throughout Italy with didactic materials, focuses, multimedia tools and simulations to illustrate complex issues in a clear and simple manner.
- Editorial Development
- Design and User Experience
- Content Creation
- CD-ROM Development
- Multimedia Guide Development
- Production of Video Interviews
Design and Development of a Multimedia CD-ROM
2004-2007: Cultur-e was appointed to design and develop the editorial and graphic project and produce the multimedia CD-ROM entitled “Il Garante e la protezione dei dati personali” (3 editions). Moreover, the CD-ROM also included a multimedia manual was produced to illustrate the activities of the Data Protection Authority, together with interviews to experts on issues related to privacy.
Multimedia is Successful
The success of the first edition of the CD-ROM drove the Authority to renew the contract for the production of two further editions.