In 2014, Cultur-e won the call for the development of a cycle of video tutorials for the POI ENERGIA Programme. Then, in 2015, it was asked to develop a mobile app to promote Italian Regions as part of EXPO 2015.
Simplifying with Infographics and Promoting Italy with an App
Invitalia is the National Agency for Investments and Enterprise Development at the Ministry of Economic Development. The project started in 2014 was part of a larger strategic communications plan for the POI ENERGIA Programme. The objective was to provide information to citizens in a simple and efficient manner concerning the use of the Guarantee Fund and promote information that was usually unattractive and complex on-line, generating a high engagement rate.
In 2015, Invitalia decided to develop – over the course of just a few months – a strategic app in five languages to promote the architectural, archaeological and gastronomic heritage of Italy. The objective was to generate tourism not only in the large art cities, but also in small medieval towns and less well-known towns.
- Conception and Design
- Storyboard
- Graphic format
- Animation
- Editing
- Post-production
- UX and Mobile Design
- Content Development
- APP Development for iOS, Android, Windows Phone Platforms
Design and Development of Video Tutorials and an App
2014 – Production of three video tutorial, including concept, storyboard, infographics and animation to present the POI ENERGIA Programme; explanation of guidelines for accounting for European programmes and participation procedures for a call dedicated to enterprises.
2015 – Development of an iOS/Android/Windows Phone App in 5 languages, UX and mobile design, Content publishing.
Simplicity and Rigour Emerge Victorious
The ability to summarize and simplify a complex and difficult programme into a few images for citizens and smaller town councils was the key to the development of video tutorials for Invitalia and the Ministry of Economic Development. The planning of activities and timely release of updates, the graphic elegance and straightforward navigation are the strengths of the app.