As Is Analysis

Are you happy with your web presence? Would you like to improve the image, performance or business of a brand, service or product, but are not sure how to do so? Rather than proceed by hit and miss, an As Is Analysis will provide you with a complete picture of your current situation and evaluate all your active channels (websites, social channels, apps).

This important assessment activity allows us to collect and analyse all results (in terms of traffic, usability, engagement), strengths and weaknesses, technical-operative restraints and unexplored opportunities, and to understand how to invest and strengthen on-line presence.

As Is Analysis for Brand Identity

In order to set out with a complete picture, we recommend analysing the brand positioning to evaluate the coherence of your image and public impact. The analysis surveys and catalogues all identity-defining elements that are employed at on- and off-line touchpoints to mark possible activities leading to a new positioning or rebranding. The analysis may also include the evaluation of previous market research to decide whether may be used to optimize the visual identity.

As Is Analysis for Web and Social Media Channels

A careful evaluation of user experience, web design and the content and services provided on your current portal (or family of portals) is at the core of our As Is Analysis. Besides websites, we also analyse other company assets, including mobile apps, social media channels, blogs and company magazines.

This meticulous study conducted by our analysts, who navigate every single on-line page and function, can be integrated with a focus group cycle to provide useful information from a sample of typical users. Following a usability test, we invite focus group participants to discuss the obstacles they encountered and recommend solutions, as well as new functions or layouts to enjoy the information and services provided on-line. This additional activity helps us to identify customer-oriented elements and define a new action strategy to reach our objectives.

Big Data Analytics

In order to be fully scientific and objective, our analysis is integrated with the data collected by on-line tools, including Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, Twitter Analytics and YouTube Analytics. The objective is to obtain complete and scientifically measurable information, identify the behaviour of all users interacting with the brand and offer, and understand how to improve the flow of traffic, engagement and conversion of proprietary channels.

This data also provides us with information on audience demography and geographical location, preferred navigation technology, user response based on frequency of visits and any on-line actions or transactions, date of first session and traffic sources for marketing campaigns. All of these elements may be combined to obtain user information. In particular, a cross-analysis of web data, social platform insight tools and web advertising campaign-monitoring allows us to view the engagement or sales funnel on a dashboard that also indicates the performance of each campaign and the relative cost per lead and per acquisition.

Technological Assessment

Our As Is Analysis is completed by evaluating the client’s operative and web project processes and verifying the presence of any barriers posed by technology and organisational details (CMS platform, web hosting and domain, etc.).

The analysis also addresses client databases and the CRM system used by the company or agency. Collected data is used to evaluate whether the client should change tools and migrate content and services to a new platform, optimise the software structure, or devise new ad hoc strategies for the technology in use.

KPI Analysis

Following the data collection and aggregation process, our work group carries out a scrupulous and in-depth KPI Analysis to evaluate the main performance indicators and their interconnections. The objective is to evaluate the performance of individual activities and the overall trend of channels as a whole, analyse the needs expressed by clients, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of a client’s on-line presence. The final objective is to devise actions that will improve portals, social media channels and content, coherently with our analyses, and efficiently renovate on-line presence through the achievement of conversions and fulfilling the client’s business, marketing and communications objectives.


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