Brand positioning

A brand is not just a name or a logo. It’s a story that describes individuals, values, actions and results. Its success depends on the quality of the story, on how it is narrated, its visibility and how it is perceived by the listening or reading audience. It also depends on its brand positioning.

What is Brand Positioning?

Brand positioning reveals a brand’s identity, its unique features over competitors and its perception as a product or service by consumers. It is at the foundation of every winning communications and marketing strategy and aims to positively influence potential clients upon purchase or use.

The brand positioning process begins with an in-depth analysis of the market, competitors, reference targets and targeted value horizon. The positioning strategy (or repositioning) is the final phase of this process and addresses how and when a brand (or product or service) is to be perceived by targets and how it differs from the competition.

Brand Positioning at Cultur-e

Our multi-channel strategies and web portal and social media projects always begin with a rigorous brand analysis to develop an initial positioning map, quantify the initial brand awareness and brand reputation, and identify a specific value proposition for our client. Following an accurate and complete brand auditing process, we formulate a digital branding strategy with action, language and channels that will reinforce the brand and its positioning (or repositioning) and associated value horizon.

Brand Awareness and Brand Reputation

One of the most important activities of our brand positioning analysis is the measurement of brand awareness and brand reputation. Analysing this information, allows us to establish what type of communications and marketing strategy to implement to launch, maintain or reposition a client or project on digital channels.

Brand awareness allows us to understand what the public knows about a brand and what distinguishes it from the competition. This is particularly useful to decide whether to increase or maintain a brand’s perceived knowledge amongst the target audience.


Brand reputation is used to define what people think about the brand. This knowledge allows us to devise action plans to confirm or reinforce positive opinions and deflate and delimit negative ones. The analysis allows us to verify whether the external perception satisfies the company or agency’s objective and values or whether they need to be repositioned.

Value proposition

Identifying a value proposition is the core activity of every internal analysis and strategic positioning process. Identifying the fundamental characteristics that define a company or agency is the main objective of the initial brand positioning phase.

In order to be efficient, a value proposition must be based on the concrete, visible or perceived, elements that distinguish an item from its competitors and that can be formulated into a clear, positive value and message. This usually is a short phrase, slogan or tag line that expresses the characteristic value of that brand and why the public should choose it over any other.

Brand strategy

The value proposition informs our digital branding strategies, in which we define the objectives, target segments, brand positioning (over competitors), values and messages that we wish to transmit. These are fundamental elements for the development of web communication and digital strategies, content strategies, SEO strategies and engagement strategies, as well as to define a media mix.

A successful brand strategy will lead to action plans that generate value around a brand, raise dialogue with the public and involve its reference targets, producing measurable results in terms of notoriety, service or business.

Brand identity

Brand identity is closely related and important for the value proposition and brand strategy. A company, agency, product or service’s name, logo, colours, type design and coordinated identity system must communicate its characteristics and values, guiding the emotional and instinctive perceptions of the public towards the objectives identified in the brand strategy.

Brand architecture

If a client has a portfolio of multiple services or brands, each of which has a specific role, target and objective, this requires the analysis of the brand architecture. This refers to an analysis of individuals brands, products and services, and relations between them and the main brand. It is fundamental for each brand, product and service to function coherently and efficiently to maintain clarity and synergy. If this were not the case, the analysis would define issues of incoherence, weaknesses, points of confusion and even brand conflicts to help elaborate a synergic strategy to reinforce the corporate brand.


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