December 2015

#leparolevalgono: A New Success for Treccani

Almost 7 million unique users, more than 21 million views and more than 2,000 users on Twitter alone. These are the numbers reached by Treccani’s #leparolevalgono campaign (#wordsmatter), which was launched to give words back their intended weight: by regaining their value and precise meaning.

On the website  celebrity spokespeople feature their own “word that matters,” which has changed their lives in some way.  The initiative will last until the end of the year and anyone can participate. The Pope also shared his own word: “mercy”.

Cultur-e supported the record campaign on Treccani’s social channels, with daily promotional actions and Social PR initiatives aimed at engaging users and influencers online. Some of the people who were contacted via Twitter responded to the initiative, most notably: Gianni Riotta, Selvaggia Lucarelli, Radio3, Trio Medusa, Malika Ayane, and even the “fake” celebrities of great Italian literature such as @il_Leopardi and @Ugo_Foscolo.