Digital Marketing and Social Media Training

What tools are used to manage websites and portals? What are the best techniques for writing on-line? How do you manage social media for a company or an agency? You will find answers to these and many other questions through our training courses that have been developed to support clients and enable them to manage their web and social projects independently.

Digital Training

On demand, or as part of digital development projects, we organise training courses on CMS use and efficient on-line writing. In the first case, courses address how to use the platform on both sides (i.e., user and publisher). Topics include description of content and service areas, operation of active services and back-end publication, focus on approval workflow and publishing pages. In the second case, we provide guidelines for content production, efficient on-line writing, content formatting and organisation, SEO optimisation and SEO writing rules.

Upon completion of the training courses, we provide participants with a user manual that includes examples of the main management operations for websites and portals. We also provide an editorial guide with an overview of communications objectives, the subdivision of sections and services, content types, formatting, development procedures and organization of content, as well as the best-suited language and styles for specific projects and rules for using and updating images.

Social Media Training

We also organise training courses on the use of social media and the management of social network content (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.). If necessary, the training courses may also include one or more special focus sessions.

Our courses address social media and their efficient use with national and international data and reference targets and characteristics based on communications or business objectives. Social training includes a module on digital reputation and personal branding, describing the context, opportunities and benefits of a good on-line reputation for companies, public administrations and influential individuals. We then turn to editorial management, defining what and how to communicate, how to involve all targets (clients, stakeholders, employees, etc.), how to develop interesting content, and execution criteria (timing, workflow, management roles). The course is completed with sessions on the importance of governance and monitoring. The former addresses how to develop employee and user policies, how to manage communities, and how to answer and what procedures to adopt to counter reputational crises, while the latter analyses the best models for performance evaluation, social analytics tools and social media ROI.

If the project and/or specific objectives require it, we also hold social media marketing courses outlining the rules and guidelines for correct and efficient promotional activities (e-commerce, website traffic, brand awareness), relation-building and brand or project positioning on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

Technical Training

On demand, we also hold technical training courses for system managers and programmers on infrastructure and system platforms developed by Cultur-e with all the necessary technical documentation on platform development, details and integration of web applications with company IT systems.


Cultur-e at “RO.ME – Museum Exhibition” 2019

On November 27-29, Cultur-e will participate in RO.ME – Museum Exhibition 2019, an event dedicated to museums and other cultural sites. The initiative will be hosted…

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Refreshing the United Nations through UNSSC training and counseling

After winning a bid, Cultur-e won the assignment to develop the new web identity and restyling of the website for UNSSC – United Nations System Staff College -a…

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