Iren Ambiente Services

In 2024, in collaboration with PwC Italia and CodeLand, Cultur-e designed the Iren Ambiente Services website. This new website aims to make the messages communicated on the Iren Ambiente App homogeneous and recognisable by centralising all the information relating to the environmental services of all the territories served.

The initiative arose from the need to renew the previous website by creating an optimised version that could meet the need to communicate with the user-citizen at any time and on any device, just like on the Iren Ambiente app.


Iren Ambiente S.p.A. entrusted us with positioning the new website as a hub capable of communicating information on environmental services in all the areas served and meeting the needs of an increasingly demanding multi-channel audience. The goal was to ensure fluid and intuitive communication with users, offering essential services such as booking bulky waste collection and guidelines for waste disposal. Through an integrated approach that combines Brand Strategy, Content Strategy and SEO Content, we transformed the digital experience into accessible and practical support on any device.


  • Brand Strategy
  • Content Strategy
  • SEO Content

An optimised user experience

The portal design included optimising navigation flows to ensure an intuitive and consistent experience on both desktop and mobile phone. Every detail, from the collection calendar to the disposal methods, was designed to be easily consultable. The result is a site that immediately meets citizens’ needs, simplifying the search for information and the use of services.

Un punto di riferimento per la sostenibilità urbana

Con il sito dei servizi, Iren Ambiente S.p.A. rafforza il suo ruolo e fornisce uno strumento indispensabile per la gestione dei rifiuti e la sostenibilità urbana.
Grazie alla nostra esperienza in strategie di branding e contenuti ottimizzati SEO, il portale diventa un modello di eccellenza nella comunicazione digitale ambientale, contribuendo a migliorare la qualità della vita dei cittadini e a promuovere un uso consapevole delle risorse.