Barbara Lauro
Pizza and babà join forces once again within this Librarian archivist and Social Media expert. The peaceful creature can be recognized by her permanent smile, lively intelligence, and an array of jokes that crack everyone up. Barbara, belongs to Napoli by birth and spirit; she grew up going around the traditional “fraschette” of the Roman Castles, and is known by her innate joy, a spirit of adventur and friendly disposition -all probably fueled by as much porchetta and vinello as she can consume.
This expert in social strategy and digital PR gives up all technology when she’s out to dinner with friends, honoring the tradition of putting wine bottles by an open window instead of in the fridge. A cruel temptation for the neighbors. We have seen things that you, as an outsider, can’t imagine… she might get to the office without her PC, forgetting where she parked her car, and if she was in charge of buying the candles for your birthday party, you risk having to wait 1 year and 4 months (at the least)!