
Faced with a growing reputational crisis, in 2016, Consip decided to reposition itself on digital media and appointed Cultur-e to develop a new governance for social media channels and a project to reinforce its dialogue with stakeholders and enterprises.


Communicating the Value of CONSIP for the Management of Public Services

A listed company owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, Consip controls all purchases for the Italian public administration and provides consultancy, analysis and e-procurement. Its deontological principles are to operate with efficiency, efficacy, transparency and impartiality to rationalise the management of public services. External perception of the agency is affected by critical media cases and a PA bureaucratic system that is not in line with the Consip methodology. The objective is to bring the primary and secondary targets closer, so that they may simply, clearly and exhaustively comprehend the mission, activities and results of Consip and dissipate their doubts on the agency’s activities.


  • Social Intelligence
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Social Media Governance
  • Crisis Management
  • Training

Social Strategy and Governance, Training and Social Media Crisis Management

Cultur-e won the bid for social media analysis and strategy.  In 2016, it conducted analyses of the context, Social Intelligence and benchmarks, developing a social media strategy, an editorial project, a governance model and KPI monitoring and crisis management models. Moreover, Cultur-e defined an editorial management policy and content schedule for the agency’s Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram profiles. The objective was to reveal the value of Consip even through social media, using different languages and means for focused actions.

A Different Methodology for an Efficient Social Media Strategy

The collaboration was successful not only in terms of strategy and communications, but also in terms of internal processes. We provided Consip with an editorial management and scheduling methodology that allows work teams to collaborate on social and other channels (website, press office, etc.).