In 2016, Italiaonline (IOL) hired us to develop and launch the new Technology Channel of Libero, managing its strategy and that daily production of high quality SEO-optimised content to position the channel on search engines. Smartphones, how to, apps, social media and news on technology are just a few of the subjects addressed by the website. Over the years we have expanded the collaboration to various other topics by creating content aimed at positioning on issues related to SMEs, economics, calls, innovation, energy efficiency, insurance, motors, tourism, food and wellness.
Emerging in a Competitive Sector and Expanding the User Base
The new Technology Channel aims to make Italiaonline a reference point for all individuals interested in smartphones, smart devices and technology in general. The objective is to emerge in the high specialized sector, retain the loyalty of portal users and attract new potential readers. The content proposal must be original, distinctive and SEO-compliant.
- SEO Strategy
- Editorial Projectl
- Daily Production of SEO-optimised Content
- Publishing via CMS
- KPI monitoring
SEO Content Marketing
The experience accrued by the Cultur-e Content Team in the digital and new technology sector, as well as in SEO content strategy, guarantees the rigour, quality and efficacy of the produced content. The service for the Technology Channel opens a window on a world with news and previews from Europe, the United States and emerging markets, which often anticipate new technology and consumer habits. In order to distinguish itself, the editorial strategy is to step beyond mere information and provide food for thought on the implications that new technology may have on the daily lives of users.
Since 2016 – Daily management of the content on Technology Portal with research, production and publishing of SEO-optimised news and focuses, daily and monthly monitoring of results achieved through published content.
Since 2017 – Progressive increase in the production of SEO content for other portal channels on issues related to SMEs, economics, calls, innovation, energy efficiency, insurance, motors, tourism, food and wellness.
SEO Rigour and Quality Win
The ongoing monitoring of KPIs have confirmed the success of the investment. The content produced by Cultur-e attracts traffic and positions the website amongst the first results of search engine queries.