July 2022

A new digital strategy for the new Fondazione Perugia

On 30th May, Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia Foundation celebrated its 30th anniversary: it was an opportunity to give a sign of change: with a new visual identity curated by Inarea and a renewed digital strategy designed by Cultur-e.

This sign of change finds expression in the “Fondazione Perugia” brand and in the new website, responding to the objective of communicating the renewed identity of the Foundation: from a disbursement tool to a subject active on the project plan; from the banking world to an actor capable of interpreting the territory and mobilizing ideas and energies.

The digital communication, therefore, follows an editorial strategy designed to bring the Foundation closer to the community: capable of involving users with the story of local excellence, involving them with useful information on tender notices and initiatives and encouraging networking with the associations and institutions that are the protagonists of specific projects and activities.

Social media will be enhanced for each channel (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube) with content in line with the interests of the target audience, while the design of the new website is based on information architecture and navigation flows by target and specific themes. The distinctive and recognizable visual identity is in continuity with the griffin symbol, emblem of Perugia, through an essential and elegant design that restores contemporaneity to the classic representation of the city’s coat of arms. A synergistic and integrated approach, to achieve the Foundation’s objective: to accept the change and communicate it.

Read our case history on Fondazione Perugia