Different Interpretations, Equal Rights: Cultur-e with UNITA, the National Union of Theatre and Audiovisual Performers
Over 100 performers from theatre and audio-visuals have joined together to create UNITA, an association founded many years of commitment that has come to maturity with the emergency period that made working opportunities in entertainment – just as in many other spheres – even more critical and complex. UNITA has been conceived as an open and inclusive system that represents the interests of this entire sector and aims to contribute to the definition of a system of rules, duties and rights.
Cultur-e has provided UNITA with the support necessary to create a strong identity that will be able to build on the collective action of its associates and promote information, awareness-raising and educational activities. The new brand and a website to present the association are the beginning of a process of gradual development of a system of channels and communication actions that aim to amplify the visibility of on-line information from the association, create engagement and attract participation from its network.