Maire Tecnimont
In 2017, the multinational company operating in oil & gas, petrochemical and fertilizers and green chemistry decided to launch a corporate magazine on the changes taking place in a continuously changing economic and geopolitical scenario. Cultur-e was selected to develop the editorial and graphic project, the content and to provide its experience on the digital world, designing a system of 3 multilingual sites and reinforcing its presence on social media. Moreover, Cultur-e managed content and social media channels (in English and Italian) as well as providing ongoing maintenance and improvements for the portals.
Narrating the Vision of an Enterprise Projected towards the Future of Technology
The Group objective was to reposition the brand and communicate the enterprise vision that led to its success in an increasingly complex and multi-cultural system, presenting a multidisciplinary overview of an original Italian multinational that is present in over 40 countries and is directed through an agile, creative and versatile system that is recognized as a global excellence. The action plan called for the development of a print magazine, EVOLVE, and a new web presence based on a coherent and organic system of Group websites, a renovated web identity and a more impactful style of communications to present the Group business, values and the future of technology.
Developing and Managing the Magazine, Internet Portals and Social Media Channels
In 2017, Cultur-e was selected to transform the challenge and forward-looking enterprise idea into and editorial project with graphics and content for the corporate magazine. In 2018, work concentrated on the digital world, starting with a communications analysis and strategy, development, design and UX, content and platform production, publishing, testing and the editorial management of three Group websites (Maire Tecnimont, Tecnimont and KT – Kinetics Technology) and social media channels (YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter, integrating the previous two Twitter channels) and a new on-line strategy. Collaboration continued with editorial and social media management until May 2019, while the production of the corporate magazine is still active.
- Data Analysis
- On-line Reputation Analysis
- Communication strategy
- Editorial Project
- Design and user experience
- Development and Publishing
- Social Media Governance
- Multilingual Content
- Social media strategy
- Training
- Advertising Campaigns
Greater On-line Visibility and Awareness
A new communications strategy, a new corporate magazine and a new and stronger on-line presence: Marie Tecnimont reinforces its on-line identity and embraces the future of digital technology.
EVOLVE TALK: The European Commission, Maire Tecnimont and Cultur-e on the future of Europe and the Green Deal
On Thursday, July 23, was held a new EVOLVE TALK, the on-line roundtable focusing on the issues addressed by EVOLVE, the Maire Tecnimont Group corporate magazine...
Maire Tecnimont Group: new website network and Twitter account officially online
The new website network for the Maire Tecnimont Group is online. A revamped digital identity and a high impact style to communicate the global leadership online through...
EVOLVE, Maire Tecnimont’s new magazine
Ten years after the listing, this 4th of December Maire Tecnimont launches EVOLVE with an event dedicated to the Milan Stock Exchange. The corporate magazine aims to...