February 2018

Enel.it, shedding a new light on online content

A clear and extremely easy to use integrated platform meant to highlight the services from the first energy provider in Italy,

Gruppo Enel defines its online media brand uniformity once again with a new portal that promotes Enel Energia’s services. A revamped look and feel, that still portrays the Group’s corporate values and provides useful and informative content.

Cultur-e had the task of organizing, editing and migrating a substantial body of multi-language digital SEO optimized content on the Adobe platform. A content management activity that involved creating hundreds of pages with a particularly complex system that requires advanced writing and technical skills.

This project brought together a number of expert providers such as NTTData, New Energy Mind, iMille, Webranking (link twitter Barbara), that Cultur-e liaised with at every step, resulting in an effective teamwork dynamic.


This project brought together a number of expert providers such as Accenture, NTTData, New Energy Mind, iMille, Webranking that Cultur-e liaised with at every step, resulting in an effective teamwork dynamic.

Read our Enel Energia case history